Logistics PE

An informational support website for Logistics PE on behalf of UNIS, a 3rd party logistics company. Being a logistics company and having lots of spaces and warehouses that suggested a cubic structure and empowered with creative freedom, I decided on a 8-bit retro style.

Key Contributions

Graphic Design / Webflow Development

Figma - HTML/CSS - Photoshop - Webflow

Basic Styles

Wanting to impart a sense of the nostalgic classic NES gaming aesthetic, I used an extremely limited set of styles.
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Pixel Purpose Images

Purposely pixelating photography to suggest the aspects of real images, but within the realm of the 8-bit style. Delicate yet deliberate brutality.

Product Development

Outline of a process to expand on one concept to reach into all verticals. The intent is to integrate with as little friction as possible actions that support the product into general life activities.

Client Tools

I provided tools to continue with the project and at a minimum maintain trajectory. Three very important aspects were: email templates, a custom CMS field guide, and brand visual guidelines to help ensure independent consistency moving forward.

General Takeaway

Helping to materialize a set of ideas through design and technology is really what I enjoy doing and this project required consideration of nearly all facets involved. Of particular note during the process were the importance of client discussions and strategic listening.